Authentication & Authorization


QOR Admin allows you to integrate your current authentication methods by providing an interface for common Authentication related tasks.

What you need to do is implement an Auth interface like below, and set it in the QOR Admin value.

type Auth interface {
  GetCurrentUser(*Context) qor.CurrentUser // get current user, if don't have permission, then return nil
  LoginURL(*Context) string // get login url, if don't have permission, will redirect to this url
  LogoutURL(*Context) string // get logout url, if click logout link from admin interface, will visit this page

When setting it when initializing QOR Admin, like:

func main() {
  // Set Auth interface when initialize QOR Admin
  Admin := admin.New(&admin.AdminConfig{
    Auth: yourAuthInterface,

Here is an example integrated with QOR Auth & QOR Auth Themes:

import ""

var Auth = clean.New(&auth.Config{
  DB:         DB,
  // User model needs to implement qor.CurrentUser interface ( to use it in QOR Admin
  UserModel:  models.User{},

type AdminAuth struct {}

func (AdminAuth) LoginURL(c *admin.Context) string {
    return "/auth/login"

func (AdminAuth) LogoutURL(c *admin.Context) string {
    return "/auth/logout"

func (AdminAuth) GetCurrentUser(c *admin.Context) qor.CurrentUser {
    currentUser := Auth.GetCurrentUser(c.Request)
    if currentUser != nil {
      qorCurrentUser, ok := currentUser.(qor.CurrentUser)
      if !ok {
        fmt.Printf("User %#v haven't implement qor.CurrentUser interface\n", currentUser)
      return qorCurrentUser
    return nil

func main() {
  // Set Auth interface when initialize QOR Admin
  Admin := admin.New(&admin.AdminConfig{
    Auth: &AdminAuth{},


QOR Admin rely on QOR Roles for Authorization, Check it out for details.

Authorization For Resource

Admin.AddResource(&Product{}, &admin.Config{
  Permission: roles.Deny(roles.Delete, roles.Anyone).Allow(roles.Delete, "admin")

Authorization For Fields

product := Admin.AddResource(&Product{})

product.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "Price", Permission: roles.Allow(roles.Update, "admin")})

Authorization For Actions

QOR Admin will check permission mode roles.Update when checking if the current user has the ability to call an action, other modes will ignore.

  Name: "enable",
  Permission: roles.Allow(roles.Update, "admin"),
  Handle: func(actionArgument *admin.ActionArgument) error {
    // `FindSelectedRecords` => in bulk action mode, will return all checked records, in other mode, will return current record
    for _, record := range actionArgument.FindSelectedRecords() {
      actionArgument.Context.DB.Model(record.(*models.User)).Update("Active", true)
    return nil

Authorization For Menus

QOR Admin will check permission mode roles.Read when checking if the current user has the ability to view the menu, other modes will ignore.

Admin.AddMenu(&admin.Menu{Name: "Report", Link: "/admin", Permission: roles.Allow(roles.Read, "admin")})

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