Search & Scopes & Filters

You could configure searchable attributes for a resource with SearchAttrs, if SearchAttrs is not set, will use resource's IndexAttrs to search

// Allow search products with its Name, Code and its category, brand's Name
product.SearchAttrs("Name", "Code", "Category.Name", "Brand.Name")

After SearchAttrs is set, QOR Admin will generate a SearchHandler func for current resource based on your configuration, e.g:


You can overwrite it to customize resource's search, like preload some relations to kill N+1 issue

oldSearchHandler := product.SearchHandler
product.SearchHandler = func(keyword string, context *qor.Context) *gorm.DB {
    return oldSearchHandler(keyword, context)

Add Resource to Admin Search Center

QOR Admin provides a search center, you could register searchable resources with AddSearchResource, with the search center, you could search multiple resources in one request

Admin.AddSearchResource(product, user, order)


You can define scopes to filter data with given conditions, for example:

// Only show active users
user.Scope(&admin.Scope{Name: "Active", Handler: func(db *gorm.DB, context *qor.Context) *gorm.DB {
  return db.Where("active = ?", true)



Group Scopes

To put similar scopes into one group, set the Group name for it as below:

order.Scope(&admin.Scope{Name: "Paid", Group: "State", Handler: func(db *gorm.DB, context *qor.Context) *gorm.DB {
    return db.Where("state = ?", "paid")

order.Scope(&admin.Scope{Name: "Shipped", Group: "State", Handler: func(db *gorm.DB, context *qor.Context) *gorm.DB {
  return db.Where("state = ?", "shipped")


group scope

Default Scopes

Default Scope will be applied to all requests

    Name: "Default Scope",
    Default: true,
    Handler: func(db *gorm.DB, context *qor.Context) *gorm.DB {
      return db.Where("state = ?", "paid")

Visible Scopes based on a condition

Make scope visible based on Visible return true

order.Scope(&admin.Scope{Name: "Paid", Group: "State",
  Visible: func(context *admin.Context) bool {
    return context.CurrentUser.IsAdmin
  Handler: func(db *gorm.DB, context *qor.Context) *gorm.DB {
      return db.Where("state = ?", "paid")

Scopes Online Demo


Make any Resource filter-able, within QOR Admin, with given setting(s).

The example below shows how to filter Users, in a hypothetical project, by gender (either 'Male', 'Female', or 'Unknown').

// Filter users by gender
  Name: "Gender",
  Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{
    Collection: []string{"Male", "Female", "Unknown"},

// Filter products by collection
    Name:   "Collections",
    Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{RemoteDataResource: collection},



Visible Filters based on a condition

Make Filter visible based on Visible return true

  Name: "Gender",
  Visible: func(context *admin.Context) bool {
    return context.CurrentUser.IsAdmin
  Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{
    Collection: []string{"Male", "Female", "Unknown"},

results matching ""

    No results matching ""