
Customize visible fields

By default all fields are visible if you specifically declare fields, only defined fields will be visible and they will be presented in the order defined:

// Add resources `Order`, `Product` to Admin:
order := Admin.AddResource(&models.Order{})
product := Admin.AddResource(&models.Product{})

// show given attributes
order.IndexAttrs("User", "PaymentAmount", "ShippedAt", "CancelledAt", "State", "ShippingAddress")

// show all attributes except `State`

// Set attributes will be shown in the new page
order.NewAttrs("User", "PaymentAmount", "ShippedAt", "CancelledAt", "State", "ShippingAddress")

// show all attributes except `State`

// Structure the new form to make it tidy and clean with `Section`
    Title: "Basic Information",
    Rows: [][]string{
      {"Code", "Price"},
    Title: "Organization",
    Rows: [][]string{
      {"Category", "Collections", "MadeCountry"},

// Set attributes will be shown for the edit page, similar to new page
order.EditAttrs("User", "PaymentAmount", "ShippedAt", "CancelledAt", "State", "ShippingAddress")

// Set attributes will be shown for the show page, similar to new page
// If ShowAttrs haven't been configured, there will be no show page generated, by will show the edit form instead
order.ShowAttrs("User", "PaymentAmount", "ShippedAt", "CancelledAt", "State", "ShippingAddress")

Customize fields for nested resources

order := Admin.AddResource(&models.Order{})
orderItemMeta := order.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "OrderItems"})
orderItemResource := orderItemMeta.Resource

orderItemResource.EditAttrs("ProductCode", "Price", "Quantity")


By default, resource's fields are rendered based on its types and relations. The default should satisfy the usual cases, you can customize the rendering by overwriting the Meta definition.

There are some Meta types that have been predefined, including string, password, date, datetime, rich_editor, select_one, select_many and so on (see full list below).

QOR Admin will auto select a type for Meta based on a field's data type. For example, if a field's type is time.Time, QOR Admin will determine datetime as the type.

Here's an example about make "Gender" of a user as a select element in the user form that includes three options "Male", "Female" and "Unknown".

user.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "Gender", Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{Collection: []string{"Male", "Female", "Unknown"}}})

Customize Meta

If default configuration of a field doesn't match your needs, you would like to customize the field, here are possible options:

type Meta struct {
    Name            string
    FieldName       string
    Label           string
    Type            string
    Setter          func(object interface{}, metaValue *resource.MetaValue, context *qor.Context)
    Valuer          func(object interface{}, context *qor.Context) (value interface{})
    FormattedValuer func(object interface{}, context *qor.Context) (formattedValue interface{})
    Permission      *roles.Permission
    Config          MetaConfigInterface
    Collection      interface{}
    Resource        *Resource
  • Name

    The name of the field's name that you would like to overwrite

    // Overwrite field `Gender`, change it to select with three options from default input box
    user.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "Gender", Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{Collection: []string{"Male", "Female", "Unknown"}}})
  • FieldName

    Mapping to the attribute name in the resource, Usually, This is no need to set and same with Name by default.

    This is usually needed when you want to use QOR Admin as RESTFul API Service and expose fields with a different name, e.g:

    // Generate JSON { "Code": "value-of-ExternalCode", ... }
    order.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "Code", FieldName: "ExternalCode"})
  • Type

    The display type of the attribute, e.g. select_one, password. see full list of predefined meta types

  • Label

    The label of the attribute in the form and the table title for the index page.

    The default label of "address" is "Address". You can set another label for "address" by this option.

  • Setter

    // Setter's type
    func(record interface{}, metaValue *resource.MetaValue, context *qor.Context)

    Setter defined how to decode a form value into the field, the default Setter generated by QOR Admin, it gets form value from metaValue and decodes that value to record based on field's type.

  • Valuer

    // Value's type
    func(record interface{}, context *qor.Context) (result interface{})

    Valuer defined how to fetch field's value from object, it returns a golang object as result, QOR usually will render field's template differently based on its value and state.

  • FormattedValuer

    // FormattedValuer's type
    func(record interface{}, context *qor.Context) (result interface{})

    FormattedValuer is similar like Valuer, but it usually returns formatted string as result, it will be shown to end user in index page and API.

  • Resource

    This could be used to customize attributes in nested form, usually, this is no need to set, check How to customize attribute in nested form for detail.

  • Permission

    Define user authority of this attribute, Check Authentication for detail.

  • Config

    The configuration of current type of attribute, e.g. Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{Collection: []string{"Male", "Female", "Unknown"}}. Check each meta's document for detail.

Virtual Field

You can configure QOR Admin to display "virtual" fields - fields that are not database attributes. Just define them as Meta to your resource, to define it for a virtual field, Valuer is must be required (refer Customize Meta), so QOR Admin knows how to display it to end user.

product.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "MainImageURL", Valuer: func(record interface{}, context *qor.Context) interface{} {
  if p, ok := record.(*models.Product); ok && len(p.Images) > 0 {
    return p.Images[0].URL
  return ""

If you want to use the virtual field in NewAttrs, EditAttrs, ShowAttrs, you have to:

  • Define meta's Type

    Then QOR Admin knows which template to use when rendering it

  • Define meta's Setter

    Then QOR Admin knows how to save form's value


user.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "Password",
    Type:   "password",
    Valuer: func(interface{}, *qor.Context) interface{} { return "" },
    Setter: func(record interface{}, metaValue *resource.MetaValue, context *qor.Context) {
        if newPassword := utils.ToString(metaValue.Value); newPassword != "" {
            bcryptPassword, _ := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(newPassword), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
            record.(*models.User).EncryptedPassword = string(bcryptPassword)

Common Meta types

results matching ""

    No results matching ""