Select One


type SelectOneConfig struct {
    Collection               interface{} // []string, [][]string, func(interface{}, *qor.Context) [][]string, func(interface{}, *admin.Context) [][]string
    Placeholder              string
    AllowBlank               bool
    DefaultCreating          bool
    SelectionTemplate        string
    SelectMode               string // select, select_async, bottom_sheet
    Select2ResultTemplate    template.JS
    Select2SelectionTemplate template.JS
    RemoteDataResource       *Resource
    PrimaryField             string


Specify the options of the select, accepts type:

  • []string
  • [][]string
  • func(interface{}, *qor.Context) [][]string
  • func(interface{}, *admin.Context) [][]string


Select option's placeholder


Allow clear current selection, default false


by default, select will pop up a list for user to select, if this set to true, it will pop up a new form for creating


SelectionTemplate accept a file path to overwrite default select template, which usually used when writing plugins to customize select one's template.

Refer sortable select many as an example.


Set the data source of the options:

  • select

    Select options with prepare options when loading the page, if you configured Collection, this is the only allowed option

  • select_async

    Select options with remote data from RemoteDataResource

  • bottom_sheet

    Select options in a popup with remote data from RemoteDataResource, with the popup, you are allowed to do some advanced work, like creating data

    DefaultCreating only can works with this mode


Same as select2's option templateResult |


Same as select2's option templateSelection


Works in conjunction with theSelectMode configuration, when set to select_async or bottom_sheet the value represents the data resource

select will request remote data as JSON from RemoteDataResource, and use its ID as select option key, use field Name or Title or Code or the first value of JSON as select option value


If ID is not your primary key for RemoteDataResource, you could customize it with PrimaryField


Set option manually

In a hypothetical project, to change the Meta type of the Gender field in User resource from string (default value) to select_one, with options M | F, one might use the following code:

user.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "Gender", Type: "select_one", Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{Collection: []string{"M", "F"}}})

Add clear icon to clear current selection

u.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "Gender", Type: "select_one", Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{Collection: []string{"M", "F"}, AllowBlank: true}})

Generate options by data from the database

This is an example of generates options by the languages in the database. The Collection option accept a function with context *admin.Context parameter. You can get the database by context.GetDB() function. The returned value should be a [][]string array.

  user.Meta(&admin.Meta{Name: "Language", Label: "Locale", Type: "select_one",
    Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{
      Collection: func(_ interface{}, context *admin.Context) (options [][]string) {
        var languages []models.Language

        for _, n := range languages {
          idStr := fmt.Sprintf("%d", n.ID)
          var option = []string{idStr, n.NameWithCountry()}
          options = append(options, option)

        return options

Overwrite default SelectionTemplate

  Name: "Gender",
  Type: "select_one",
  Config: &admin.SelectOneConfig{
    Collection: []string{"M", "F"},
    SelectionTemplate: "metas/form/customised_select_one.tmpl",

Common Meta types

results matching ""

    No results matching ""